Manuscript submission criteria

Альманах Editorial board
Редакционный совет
Требования к рукописям   Manuscript submission criteria
Публикационная этика Ethics
Рецензирование Rewiewing
Указатель статей English guide
Философия Philosophy
Политология Political science
История Historical science


Manuscripts and articles will be reviewed by the Editorial Board only if all the requirements listed below are met.

1. The Editorial Board will consider articles that occupy 0.5 to 1.5 pages [a page is 40,000 typographical units]. They must present the results of an independent and original research, which is in line with the profile of the almanac and demonstrates the author’s ability to be fully conversant with the modern literature addressing the problems in question and to adequately apply the commonly used methodology for defining and solving scientific matters.
Besides, the Almanac also publishes analytical synopsis of modern works (size – about 1 sheet), as well as reviews of recent scientific works (size – 0.25 sheet).
All texts must contain only literary language and must be duly edited following the scientific style standards.

2. If the manuscript is accepted for consideration, it does not imply that it will be published. All manuscripts are sent anonymously for expert review. The names of the reviewers (usually at least two) are not disclosed. If the submitted manuscript is rejected, the editors send a reply to the author clarifying the reasons.
The only relevant criterion for publishing the manuscript is the quality of the text and consistence with the scope of the almanac.

3. Please avoid automatic bulleted and numbered lists and word breaks. rtf is the preferable format. Only «» can be used as quotation marks. If a quote includes citations, use quotation marks in quotation marks, «“one”, two, three, “four”». Hyphens should not be used as dashes. The Russian letter ё is used only in cases when the replacement for e distorts the meaning of the word. The shortened forms mln and bln are used without the full stop. Abbreviations like “т.к.”, “т.н.” are not allowed. The figure in the footnotes is used in the end of a sentence before the full stop and in a sentence before any punctuation mark (comma, period, and semicolon). Illustrations are sent separately in jpg-files. Graphs and charts are made in separate Microsoft Excel files. The text should contain the indication of the location of this illustration, graphics, charts, and / or its image.

4. The editors can edit and cut materials.
Those who submit manuscripts are kindly asked to understand the fact that the editors do not enter into any correspondence, particularly they do not engage in a meaningful debate via e-mail or mail, and do not have any obligation concerning the publication of the submitted materials.

5. The cover must contain the name, first name and patronymic of the author, the academic degree and academic rank, the position and place of work, the address and zip code and the email address of the author and must be stored in a separate file.
The information is to be written both in Russian and in English. The main file of the article must contain the name, the text itself, footnotes and endnotes bibliography. This is done to meet the requirement of an anonymous review of manuscripts sent to the editorial board.

6. The author must provide a list of keywords, a summary of the work (abstract) in English and in Russian ​​ (size – 100-200 words). The abstract is a separate analytical text, which allows to fully grasp the essence of the study, without the need for the reader to refer to the article. The summary (abstract) must be written in correct academic English. It must not be a word-for-word translation and cannot contain unintelligible structures and idioms which sound Russian.

7. Links and references
Links to scientific and philosophical literature, analytical reports and articles in scientific journals should be presented in the form of intrabibliographic references containing the number of publications in the bibliography and pages. For example:
[26, p. 237].

Links to archived documents must be included in the footnotes indicating (describing) the nature of the document. For example:
For biographies of K.N. Leontiev [From a letter from K.N. Leontiev to Vs.S. Solovyov, January 15, 1877, Moscow] // Russian State Historical Archives. F. 1120. Op. 1. D. 98. L. 54 ob.-55.

Links to information, official and other sources, including Internet resources that are not scientific or analytical materials, must be given in footnotes. For example:
The National Security Strategy of the Russian Federation until 2020. The Security Council of the Russian Federation. URL: http // /documents/99.html
Solovyov O. The central bank is preparing a new devaluation // Nezavisimaya Gazeta. January 13, 2015.

The footnotes can contain any additional ideas; footnotes can contain links, presented in the same way as in the main text. When referring to Internet publications, there is no need to indicate the access date.

The bibliography in endnotes is compiled in the alphabetical principle (first list the authors and the works in Russian, then in Latin). The last name and initials of the author must be in italics. The references to monographs must indicate the total number of pages, and references to articles must indicate the page numbers in a journal or a collection where the article is printed. For example:
Berdyaev N.A. Philosophy of Inequality / Compiled, foreword and notes L.V. Polyakov. M: IMA-Press, 1990. 285 p.
Gajda F. Bloody Sunday as a very ambitious provocation of the opposition // Website on conservative political thought “Russian idea”. January 5, 2015. URL:
Shirinyants A.A .The Intellectuals in the Political History of the XIX Century // Bulletin of Moscow University. Edition 12. Political sciences. 2012. № 4. pp. 39-55.
Nye J. Soft Power: The Means to Success in World Politics. New York: Public Affairs, 2004. 208 p.

The endnotes reference list must specify the official place of publication and publisher (sometimes the search may require extra efforts, but the names must be presented).

The translation of Russian names in English or their Latin transliteration are not required, nor is it necessary to translate foreign titles into Russian (except publications in Oriental languages).