
Альманах Editorial board
Редакционный совет
Требования к рукописям   Manuscript submission criteria
Публикационная этика Ethics
Рецензирование Rewiewing
Указатель статей English guide
Философия Philosophy
Политология Political science
История Historical science

The Editors of the Almanac Notebooks on Conservatism are fully aware of possible ethical violations in academic publishing, such as plagiarism, submitting of previously published material, data manipulation. All the above mentioned cases unfortunately occur. We oppose such practices. The violation of academic traditions is not only unacceptable from an ethical point of view, but also impedes scientific development. Authors, editors, reviewers and readers must confront them together. Editors do their best to detect and prevent fraudulent practices. Any violation of academic ethics entails the rejection of the manuscript and promulgation of the facts.

Almanac Notebooks on conservatism guarantees the transparency of the publication policy and criteria for manuscripts. Editors select reviewers in such a way to minimize the likelihood of a clash of interest and avert prejudice to the manuscripts submitted.

The Almanac publishes solely on a royalty-free basis.

In line with the academic tradition, the Editorial Board adheres to the principle of confidentiality, which applies to review and publication procedures and implies the anonymity of authors and reviewers. The Almanac expects the same ethical level in return from the reviewers invited.

The editors integrate any valuable relevant experience and adopt the best practices of other magazines and publishing houses. We closely watch the emerging and evolving publishing practices for academic editions, making the existing rules and procedures more precise.